
I'm an avid reader (mostly audiobooks) and listener of podcasts. Below you'll find a collection of content I've consumed, either for leisure or learning.

Title Author Tags
State of the Arc Mike Brown, Casen Sperry Game Development, Non-Fiction
The AI Daily Brief Nathaniel Whittemore Business, Technology, Non-Fiction
Acquired Ben Gilbert, David Rosenthal Business, Leadership, Non-Fiction
REWORK 37signals Business, Leadership, Non-Fiction
GameCraft Mitch Lasky, Blake Robbins Business, Game Development, Non-Fiction
The Pre-Order Bonus Cameron Warren, Jacob Price Business, Game Development, Non-Fiction
Lenny's Podcast Lenny Rachitsky Business, Product, Leadership, Non-Fiction
Eggplant: The Secret Lives of Games Nick Suttner, Andy Nealen, Zach Gage, Douglas Wilson, Sarah Elmaleh, Laura E. Hall Business, Game Development, Non-Fiction
Alien Theorists Theorizing Andrew Bloomfield, Braden Renner, Dan Work, Ryan Zeleznik Non-Fiction > Mystery, Science Fiction
Masters of Scale Reid Hoffman Business, Leadership, Non-Fiction
Limetown Two-Up Productions Fiction > Mystery, Science Fiction
The Black Tapes Pacific Northwest Stories Fiction > Mystery, Horror
TANIS Pacific Northwest Stories Fiction > Mystery, Horror